.. _terkin-backlog: ######################### Terkin Datalogger backlog ######################### *************** Datalogger 2020 *************** S1 == - Optional Zeitstempel in MQTT/JSON-Nachricht einfügen. - Verschiedene Sendezyklen pro Telemetrie-Eumel ermöglichen. - "LoRaDriverDragino.ensure_connectivity()" non-blocking gestalten. - Sensor-Wrapper für PyTrack, Gpsd und 2xSolarlader erschließen. S2 == - Cayenne-Mapping: Use dataframe.readings. - Sensor-Gruppen per Tags definieren. - Sensor-Metadaten einführen. Beispiel: Timestamp pro Sensor-Reading. - data_in => data_out S3 == - /backup-Verzeichnis optional ansprechen - Exceptions auf CPython abfangen - Installation von mpy-cross auf RaspberryPi aussparen - Sensors: Observation einführen, SensorReading => Reading umbenennen - Telemetry: Sequans Modem erschließen - Telemetry: ``settings.telemetry_name`` honorieren - Improve formatting of "Sensor data" output - Setup: Tracer-MT5 code auslagern - Setup: gpsd code auslagern - Setup: Debian-Paket bauen? - Setup: Abhängigkeiten klären: python-spidev python3-spidev + pip spidev!? - Setup: /boot/config.txt overlay und /etc/default/gpsd-Konfiguration automatisieren - Setup: dpkg-reconfigure UI? - Doku bei https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/uberarbeitung-des-terkin-readme-im-repository/3152/5 bzw. https://github.com/hiveeyes/terkin-datalogger/blob/main/doc/cpython.rst aktualisieren und veröffentlichen - Update credits S4 == - Telemetry: Uplink messages to Dragino. - Telemetry: Pure-LoRa w/o LoRaWAN - Telemetry: Improve handling for "no-lora-connectivity" (by @Thias) - Sensors: Add more sensors for standard CPython - Standard Linux - free -m - https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil - https://pypi.org/project/PySensors/ - https://elinux.org/RPI_vcgencmd_usage - vcgencmd measure_temp - Infra: Starting TerkinConfiguration on path "/" S5 == - I2C-Busse auf rasi12bplus - raspi-config nonint - Support Odroid XU4 within Adafruit Blinka adafruit_platformdetect - https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Blinka/issues/188 - https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_PlatformDetect/pull/82 - https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Blinka/pull/294 - FYI: SBC bus number detection for I2C and SPI - https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Blinka/pull/274 - https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Blinka/pull/275 - Resolve https://github.com/hiveeyes/terkin-datalogger/commit/a945518845b9fb0f5a97dafde90ab4d60de0ed14 - ``terkin --sensor=bme280`` vs. ``terkin --no-sensors`` - Plattformweiche für Makefile re. mpy-cross - When EPSolar is enabled, improve log message "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read_serial'" - 2x "Reading sensor port "ADS1x15Sensor"" without further classification - LoRa wiederherstellen - Adafruit PureIO fails to access ADS1x15 sensor attached to I2C bus using smbus when run as non-root. - "Reading sensor GPSD" takes ages when it has no Fix. - Improve GPSD configuration re. "with PPS" and with or without "-n" option - C-UTF8 Fehler auf Odroid:: RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Consult https://click.palletsprojects.com/python3/ for mitigation steps. This system supports the C.UTF-8 locale which is recommended. You might be able to resolve your issue by exporting the following environment variables: export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 export LANG=C.UTF-8 tools/cpython.mk:35: recipe for target 'run-cpython' failed - Wait for "[Dragino ] DEBUG : TX Complete" before confirming TX on Dragino - Transmit timestamps over LoRa https://github.com/smlng/pycayennelpp/pull/42 S6 == - Improve platform_info.MICROPYTHON.RaspberryPi: Not everything is specific to RaspberryPi here, e.g. pyserial-based drivers like EPSolar or VEDirect - Besseres Abfangen von Fehlern in der LoRaWAN/TTN config - Umbau der dragino.py-Bibliothek auf Basis von https://pypi.org/project/pyLoRa/ - Ask Rui Silva upfront about his interest to make it compatible with Dragino. - LoRa: Improve timeout behaviour, see https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/lora-joins-dauern-teilweise-seeeeeeeehr-lange/3186 - Bootzeit wieder reduzieren (dist-packages aufräumen) - Publish Terkin MicroPython Assets to GitHub w/o Dragino stuff - Captive Portal (@clemens, @flower4bees) - Statemachine via pysm (@poesel) - Unlock ADS1x15 from @robert-hh, see https://github.com/robert-hh/ads1x15 - Unlock INA219, see https://github.com/hiveeyes/terkin-datalogger/issues/39 S7 == - Make "settings-user.json" work - Update Annapurna firmware images - Send annotations - Improve tests using - https://pypi.org/project/fake-rpi/ - https://pypi.org/project/serial_mock/ - Detect and mitigate connection-loss with LTE-connectivity - Add reading ``/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp`` - Tweak MQTT configuration to publish just to designated MQTT topic - neocon in "make console" einbauen - Set system time from NTP or GPS Documentation ============= - README header - Pictures - LICENSE => AGPL - setup.py => Link to documentation and download - https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/coverage.html - https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/autosummary.html - Document "make run-cpython-callgraph" - Improve documentation structure re. MicroPython sandbox - Add https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/operate-the-terkin-sandbox-using-the-microterkin-agent/2332 - Setup with firmware image: - Download .tar.gz - Upload using ``pycom-fwtool-cli --verbose --port $MCU_PORT flash --tar dist/firmware/FiPy-1.20.2.rc6-0.9.0-annapurna.tar.gz`` - Edit settings.py - Upload settings.py using ``make upload-settings`` *************** Datalogger 2019 *************** Prio 0.7 ======== - Sensor-Mapping for @clemens, @wtf and @mko - Use WLAN power_save, see https://docs.pycom.io/firmwareapi/pycom/network/wlan/ - Investigate if re-reading ``settings.py`` works https://forum.pycom.io/topic/5296/reread-setting-py-while-the-program-is-running - Build custom firmware https://forum.pycom.io/topic/3902/frozen-modules-for-my-sipy-solved/9 pycom-micropython-sigfox/esp32/pycom_version.h - Ping @rdagger - https://github.com/rdagger - https://github.com/jczic/MicroWebSrv/issues/7 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKGiH5V9SS1hUz5Jh_35oTFM4wPZYA4sT - Try WiFi power saving. - Include uPing and others into annapurna - https://gist.github.com/shawwwn/91cc8979e33e82af6d99ec34c38195fb - https://forum.pycom.io/topic/5348/gpy-full-flash-erase/40 - Maybe use ``machine.rng()`` - Implement ``reboot`` via UDP mode server - Maybe just send ``lte.send_at_cmd('AT!="powerOff"')`` for shutting down the LTE modem? - When the network goes away while in live mode, the MQTT submission hangs forever:: 231.9092 [terkin.telemetry ] INFO : MQTT payload: {"system.voltage": 3.732, "system.wifi.country": "DE", "system.wifi.max_tx_power": 78, "system.time": 230, "system.temperature": 22.17392, "system.wifi.channel": 6, "system.uptime": 230.707, "system.wifi.bandwidth": 2, "system.memfree": 2324320, "system.runtime": 224, "system.wifi.rssi": -48} Prio 0.8 ======== - wget ftp.exe - [o] Leave maintenance mode after 10 minutes - [o] Configure ARP-ping timeout for "terkin.py" https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/running-terkin-py-on-windows/2273/31 - [o] Add more information to ``make help`` - Output network config on each cycle in non-deepsleep mode - Client wrapper for Terkin HTTP API. e.g. sync files, upload config, restart What about ``terkinctl``? - When putting files on the device, maybe halt the program!? - Check out switching to - https://github.com/peterhinch/micropython-mqtt - https://github.com/yutter/micropython-mqtt - How to catch and report bad things like:: Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 31, in File "/flash/lib/hiveeyes/datalogger.py", line 14, in File "/flash/lib/terkin/datalogger.py", line 12, in File "/flash/lib/terkin/configuration.py", line 12, in File "/flash/lib/terkin/util.py", line 151, in NameError: name 'contextmanager' is not defined - Pull modeserver into MiniNet. Add reboot functionality to modeserver. - Implicitly connect to network on ``make recycle-ng`` - Automatically connect to console if device is discovered - https://github.com/Bucknalla/balena-pycom-ota - Detect file transfer errors:: time lftp -u micro,python < tools/upload-all.lftprc mirror: Access failed: 550 (telemetry.py) - ``?overwrite=true`` option or ``DELETE`` action for purging configuration files - Curate FTP upload by prewarming the device for transfer to mitigate the 550 errors references above - Prevent invalid runtime configuration settings like ``main.interval.field=None`` - When halting the datalogger using ``CTRL+C``, another ``datalogger.start()`` will register all sensors again ;[ - Notify user about pulling into maintenance mode - Enumerate all DS18B20 sensors and provide over HTTP - Write description to prettified sensor output - Install from:: pycopy-collections==0.1.3 pycopy-collections.defaultdict==0.3 - MQTT authentication with URI parameter and email address as username does not work - Build release packages like https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_BusDevice/releases - Windows bundle containing mpy-mk, make.exe, wget.exe, lftp.exe, pycom-fwtool-cli.exe - Implement soft-reset using sys.exit(), see https://docs.pycom.io/gettingstarted/programming/safeboot/ - Add https://forum.pycom.io/topic/3926/ble-att-wrapper - Write a characteristic user descriptor - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33328272/adding-characteristic-user-description-to-custom-c-ble-gatt-service - https://github.com/moovel/gatt-server/blob/master/README.md#implementing-services-with-ggk - https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino/blob/68400a76662af268829e3c6c66ae62ac02eaae76/libraries/Bluefruit52Lib/src/BLECharacteristic.cpp#L316-L344 - https://github.com/pycom/pycom-micropython-sigfox/blob/master/esp32/mods/modbt.c#L1276-L1290 - Use "hupper" for watching files - Remark about "LTE only with antenna" https://forum.pycom.io/topic/4721/working-lte-connection-in-germany/13 - [o] Move UDP mode server to mininet already - http://docs.micropython.org/en/v1.9.3/esp8266/library/btree.html - Use wait_for_nic from MicroWifi - Investigate crashes on Pycom from using ``time.ticks_ms()`` when running multithreaded Prio 0.9 ======== :: [main.py] INFO: Starting Terkin Datalogger 18.3435 [terkin.configuration ] INFO : Starting TerkinConfiguration on path "/flash" 18.3644 [terkin.configuration ] INFO : Ensuring existence of backup directory at "/flash/backup" Unhandled exception in thread started by Traceback (most recent call last): File "network/ip.py", line 24, in start_real OSError: Network card not available - [o] When multiple networks of the same name exist, use the one with the better RSSI:: INFO: WiFi STA: Scanning for networks INFO: WiFi STA: Networks found ['GartenNetzwerk', 'GartenNetzwerk', 'Vodafone-7982', 'hausbuch', 'zrwguests', 'HITRON-9A60'] INFO: WiFi STA: Connecting to "GartenNetzwerk" INFO: WiFi STA: Connected to "GartenNetzwerk" INFO: WiFi STA: Connecting to "GartenNetzwerk" INFO: WiFi STA: Connected to "GartenNetzwerk" - [o] Enable logging when in maintenance mode - [o] If logging is disabled, either log nothing at all or Ensuring existence of backup directory at "/flash/backup" - [o] https://forum.pycom.io/topic/3425/new-beta-firmware-updater-1-15-2-b0 - [o] https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/backlog-terkin-datenlogger-fur-bob/2277 - [o] https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/remote-logging-zur-ferndiagnose-fur-den-terkin-datenlogger/2280 - [o] https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/loggen-von-daten-und-error-warning-events-auf-sd/2279 - [o] https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/http-und-webbasierte-konfiguration-fur-terkin-datenlogger-captive-portal/2270 - [o] https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/kontinuierliche-verbesserungen-des-terkin-datenloggers-600er/2121 Prio 1 ====== - [o] More power saving - [o] Low-voltage cutoff https://github.com/opensourcebeehives/DataLogger/commit/39b45433dc54ce60419429fc6e6c114c7c3fa4a2 - [o] Turn off LED-RGB completely - [o] WiFi STA: Support connecting to BSSIDs - [o] Exponential backoff for WiFi STA, MQTT broker and general connectivity - [o] Time-based timeout behavior for everything, not just based on retries - [o] Interpolate Device-ID into telemetry node name or better derive humanized name from it. See also https://github.com/HowManyOliversAreThere/six-nibble-name - [o] Revisit smoothing of HX711 value - [o] Improve HX711 timeout - [o] Call name support - [o] Release names: Murmeltier, Mordillo - [o] Release pics - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Agc_view.jpg - [o] Current firmware 1.20.0.rc12 - [o] Build complete firmware, see https://github.com/pycom/pycom-libraries/tree/master/pycom-docker-fw-build - [o] Make WiFi-timeout configurable, see ``wifi.py`` at ``network.get('timeout', 15.0)`` Prio 1.1 ======== - [o] Publish system events to MQTT - [o] Subscribe to MQTT downlink channel - [o] Unlock NVRAM storage as ConfigurationSettings overlay - [o] Add named fields based on NVRAM overlay - [o] OneWire sensor enumeration - display lexographically sorted? - [o] DEBUG mode Prio 1.2 ======== - [o] Introduce and wire maintenance mode - Increase measurement frequency - Start access point - Start webserver - [o] How to find individual espressif nodes on a LAN network? - [o] Add README and docs to download bundle. - [o] Resistor values for BOB-Board https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/pycom-mpy-verbesserung-des-systembatterylevel-systemsensors-energiehaushalt/2128/10 - [o] Tiefentladungsschutz - [o] Buttons: - Improve configuration - Wire to actions - Wake up from deepsleep, see https://docs.pycom.io/firmwareapi/pycom/machine/#machinepindeepsleepwakeuppins-mode-enablepull - [o] Bundle and upload package to GitHub always when invoking ``make release`` - [o] Improve LED signalling - [o] Map Chip-ID to specific configuration file - [o] Gracefully set time using NTP https://docs.pycom.io/firmwareapi/micropython/utime.html#maintaining-actual-calendar-datetime - [o] AP mode - [o] Make retry interval / WiFi timeout configurable - [o] Sensor enabled/disabled for configuration settings - [o] Aggregate errors and submit using MQTT - [o] Enable/disable sensors - [o] Transmit system states via MQTT - [o] settings: Rename "sensors.registry" to "sensors.environment". Prio 1.3 ======== - [o] Check appropriate interrupt handling of lowlevel sensor drivers - [o] Generic "median" function - [o] BT-OFF and BT-Proximity - [o] Set DNS servers: https://forum.pycom.io/topic/4361/new-stable-firmware-release-v1-18-2 - [o] https://appelsiini.net/2017/wipy-esp32-firmware-cli/ - [o] Is ``LTE.deinit()`` required? - https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/deep-sleep-with-fipy-esp32-on-micropython/1792/10 - [o] Debug level! - [o] Deactivate all peripherals - [o] Deactivate LDO - https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/low-power-esp32-hardware-and-software/538/9 - [o] Log filesystem type - [o] Measure and transmit WiFi RSSI, and voltage from ADC - [o] Add duty cycle counter - [o] Improve logging: Report about available telemetry targets upfront - [o] Telemetry payload v2 - meta: version, time, device=807d3ac342bc - system: rssi, cycles - observations: all the data - [o] Report about to how many telemetry targets data will be sent - [o] Follow up with - https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/terkin-for-micropython/233/10 - https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/fipy-verliert-programm-nach-power-off-durch-leeren-lipo-vermutlich-brownout-filesystem-corruption/2057 - [o] Documentation 140mm. Getting started, Pictures, Sphinx. - [o] Write about Terkin Telemetry. - [o] New target ``make format-flash``. - [o] Selectively enable/disable logging per module from configuration settings - [o] Disable interrupts when reading sensors https://docs.pycom.io/firmwareapi/pycom/machine/#interrupt-functions - [o] Measure battery level https://forum.pycom.io/topic/3776/adc-use-to-measure-battery-level-vin-level - [o] Improve accuracy for ``system.uptime`` - [o] How would we work through a predefined schedule when starting with WiFi off? - [o] MQTT Hello Beacon - [o] Debug/trace mode should send all kinds of information through the Hello Beacon or alongside each reading. - [o] Go to https://github.com/ayoy/upython-aq-monitor/blob/lora/main.py for more cherry picking. - Asynchronous measurements - Add PMS5003 sensor - Add ``alive_timer`` based on ``Timer.Chrono()`` - Battery low warning & shutdown: if voltage < 4.0 / < 3.7 (normal: 4.3) - MOSFET gate - [x] ESP32 Mock for testing: https://github.com/hiveeyes/terkin-datalogger/tree/main/test - [o] Scan Bluetooth neighbourhood for proximity applications https://docs.pycom.io/firmwareapi/pycom/network/bluetooth/ - [o] Add Device ID as HTTP header - [o] Why does HX711 not yield an error when not connected? - [o] Inquire modem firmware version https://forum.pycom.io/topic/4727/how-to-determine-modem-firmware-version - [o] https://forum.pycom.io/topic/4818/efficient-firmware-app-update - [o] Not connecting a HX711 yields ``"weight": 0.0`` - Power: {'reset_cause': {'code': 0, 'message': 'PWRON'}, 'wakeup_reason': {'code': 0, 'message': 'PWRON'}} - Reset: {'reset_cause': {'code': 0, 'message': 'PWRON'}, 'wakeup_reason': {'code': 0, 'message': 'PWRON'}} - Check "Espressif-specific" Long Range mode, see https://github.com/pycom/pycom-micropython-sigfox/pull/281 Prio 1.4 ======== - [o] Looks like the HX711 does not grok the ``offset`` parameter? - [o] Appropriate control for turning on DEBUG logging - [o] Guard against running without (valid?) ``settings.py`` - [o] Use non-u-name imports, see also https://micropython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/library/#python-standard-libraries-and-micro-libraries - [x] Add software tests - [o] Control the board through https://github.com/dhylands/rshell/blob/master/rshell/pyboard.py - [o] Makefile: Check for "wget" - [o] Migrate settings.py to settings.json - [o] Add webserver to framework - [o] First MQTT downlink message - [o] https://community.grafana.com/t/mqtt-data-in-html-panel/14120 Prio 1.5 ======== - [o] Store-and-forward when no connectivity - [o] Add AP mode and webserver - [o] Better BME/BMP libraries - [o] Bli, bla, blubb - [o] Propagate last error message from telemetry subsystem into intermediary status outcome and display to user. - [o] Save from ``radio.py``:: # Todo: What about when coming back from sleep? # Needed to avoid losing connection after a soft reboot # if True or machine.reset_cause() != machine.SOFT_RESET: import pycom Prio 2 ====== - [o] Don't upload the "terkin" library each time. - [o] Improve tooling by adding file watcher or even delta patching - [o] Improve display of "Networking address" by decoding mac address values - [o] Add configuration variant based on JSON file - [o] Sensor data model: Introduce Measurement (single) and Reading (bunch) objects - [o] Status and sensor announcement - [o] Reconnect to WiFi and MQTT when dropping off, use exp. backoff? - [o] Periodic servicing tasks for NetworkManager - [o] Add MQTT-based runtime configuration like ``mqtt://daq.example.org/.../settings.json`` or ``.../rpc/request`` vs. ``.../rpc/response`` - [o] Is ``utime`` actually the same as ``time``? - [o] Publish sensor configuration at first time telemetry contact - [o] Implement access to Switches: https://micropython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pyboard/tutorial/switch.html - [o] Use Timers: https://micropython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pyboard/tutorial/timer.html - [o] Put ``dotty_dict`` into ``dist-packages`` - [o] Don't submit data when null:: workbench/testdrive/area-38/fipy-amo-02-mqtt-lpp/data.lpp (null) Prio 3 ====== - [o] Timekeeping, use RTC and NTP - [o] Add Watchdog timer - [o] Basic telemetry: Battery, Temperature, Hall-Sensor - [o] Add "wait_for_network", "check_network" - [o] Better ordering for ``os.uname()`` attributes - [o] Should we better use `hx711_spi.py `_? - [o] Print stacktraces on (sensor) exceptions - [o] Check driver correctness - https://github.com/geda/hx711-lopy/blob/9cc6de8d/hx711.py#L35-L37 - https://github.com/geda/hx711-lopy/blob/9cc6de8d/hx711.py#L42-L45 - Should ``self.pSCK.value(False)`` really run inside the constructor? - [o] Use ``asbool`` for having string-based truthy values in configuration settings - [o] Check what can be done using ``esptool`` already. See also https://randomnerdtutorials.com/flashing-micropython-firmware-esptool-py-esp32-esp8266/ - [o] Optionally use "mpy-cross" before uploading - [o] Wired Ethernet? https://github.com/micropython/micropython-esp32/pull/187 Prio 4 ====== - [o] Unlock frozen modules: Upload .mpy code through mpy-cross - [o] Upload watcher - [o] Add DS18B20: https://github.com/pycom/pycom-libraries/tree/master/examples/DS18X20 - [o] WiFi soft reset re. ``if machine.reset_cause() != machine.SOFT_RESET:`` - [o] Improve the AP mode:: [0.06439157] Starting networking WiFi STA: Starting connection WiFi STA: Connect failed: list index out of range. Switching to AP mode. 2 fipy-wlan-42bc (3, 'www.pycom.io') 0 Networking established [3.663849] Starting telemetry - [o] Publish retained status message to MQTT like ``beradio-python``:: hiveeyes/fe344422-05bf-40f2-a299-fbf4df5d7e2b/vay55/gateway/status.json {"status": "online", "program": "beradio 0.12.3", "date": "2019-03-07T19:38:28.462900"} - [o] Reenable WiFi AP mode - [o] How to use uPy module "urequests"?:: # Problem: "urequests" does not work with SSL, e.g. https://httpbin.org/ip # micropython -m upip install micropython-urequests #import urequests - [o] Check out "Firmware over the air update": https://github.com/pycom/pycom-libraries/blob/master/examples/OTA/OTA_server.py - [o] Add network name to "Already connected" - [o] Automate cayennelpp installation https://github.com/smlng/pycayennelpp - [o] Assistant for configuring ``serial_port`` in ``config.mk``. Optionally use environment variable!? - [o] Use more information from WiFi station:: 'antenna', 'ap_sta_list', 'auth', 'bandwidth', 'bssid', 'callback', 'channel', 'connect', 'country', 'ctrl_pkt_filter', 'deinit', 'disconnect', 'events', 'hostname', 'ifconfig', 'init', 'isconnected', 'joined_ap_info', 'mac', 'max_tx_power', 'mode', 'promiscuous', 'scan', 'send_raw', 'ssid', 'wifi_packet', 'wifi_protocol'] Done ==== - [x] Solid configuration system - [/] Unlock NVRAM storage:: > Set the value of the specified key in the NVRAM memory area of the external flash. > Data stored here is preserved across resets and power cycles. > Value can only take 32-bit integers at the moment. - https://github.com/pycom/pydocs/blob/master/firmwareapi/pycom/pycom.md#pycomnvs_setkey-value - https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/api-reference/storage/nvs_flash.html - [/] class NvsStore: https://forum.pycom.io/topic/2775/keeping-state-when-awaking-from-sleep - [x] Use pure-Python "urllib" without dependency to "libpcre" - [x] Handle "Connection to MQTT broker failed or lost" - [x] Multi-network WiFi - [x] Fix console crasher when running on Windows - [x] Release version 0.1.0 - [x] Real sensors already - [x] Add release tooling - [x] Add snapshot of ``dist-packages`` folder as asset to each release on GitHub - [x] Add appropriate logging - [x] Improve logging by adding stacktrace printer - [x] Add some examples - [x] Report about which telemetry targets did actually work when submitting data (True / False) - [x] Improve logging: Suppress logging of sensible information like password, application_key, application_eui, mac or ifconfig - [x] Switch to LittleFS - [x] Add deep sleep - [x] Log wakeup type - [x] Improve formatting of mac addresses - [x] Power saving - [x] Turn off logging - [x] Turn off heartbeat of RGB-LED - [x] Speed-up WiFi connection by not scanning at all. In order to achieve that, scan once and remember auth-mode in NVRAM. - [x] Fix HX711 power down re. spec - [x] Activate internal pull-up for HX711 PD_SCK in deep sleep mode with "pin hold". https://docs.pycom.io/firmwareapi/pycom/machine/pin.html#pinholdhold - [x] Turn off serial interface completely - [x] Tame LED-RGB - [x] Activate Watchdog Timer - [x] ``make recycle-ng`` needs network!? - [x] WiFi.is_connected would also return True when AP is up!!! - [x] Make "make help" point to "Operate the ..." - [x] Implement real "light sleep" "in light sleep mode the current consumption on a Lopy is 3.5 mA with RTC peripherals ON" https://forum.pycom.io/topic/3351/new-development-firmware-release-v1-19-0-b1/3 - [x] Add configuration for external WiFi antenna - [x] Properly calculate sleep time from interval and duty cycle duration - [x] Connect to Beep ******************* Sandbox environment ******************* Upload and reset ================ - [o] How to run program with soft reset instead of hard reset? - [o] How to run multiple repl commands at once? - [o] Improve build time - ``make recycle scopes=full`` - ``make recycle scopes=main,hiveeyes`` - ``make recycle scopes=main,terkin`` - [o] Improve tests - Run against non-standard MQTT port (1888) - UDP API - HTTP API - WiFi-HTTP telemetry - Pure-Python DS18B20 driver - State machine ************* Documentation ************* - [o] Docs, docs, docs - [o] Add links to - https://docs.pycom.io/datasheets/development/fipy.html - https://docs.pycom.io/.gitbook/assets/specsheets/Pycom_002_Specsheets_FiPy_v2.pdf - https://docs.pycom.io/.gitbook/assets/fipy-pinout.pdf - https://pycom.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/fipySpecsheetAugust2017n2-1.pdf - [o] Report about how much this framework weighs in - in terms of memory (RAM and flash) and maybe other resources {"memfree": 2522016} - [o] Add guidelines for Python2, Python3, MicroPython and other programs required to setup the programming environment - [o] Add "About", "Authors" - [o] Add Sphinx documentation - [o] Add doctests to documentation - [o] Flash MicroPython from RaspberryPi: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=233367 - [o] Add topics about - Connectivity / Resiliency - Multi-telemetry - Configuration subsystem - User handbook - Developer handbook (Sandbox installation) - Workstation Support: Linux, macOS, Windows - [o] Deep Sleep - https://www.instructables.com/id/ESP32-Deep-Sleep-Tutorial/ - https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-deep-sleep-arduino-ide-wake-up-sources/ - https://forum.micropython.org/viewtopic.php?t=1198 - [o] https://atom.io/packages/pymakr Other projects ============== - https://github.com/microhomie https://microhomie.readthedocs.io/ - https://kapusta.cc/2017/12/02/home-made-air-quality-monitoring-using-wipy/ https://kapusta.cc/2018/02/02/air-quality-monitor-revisited/ https://github.com/ayoy/upython-aq-monitor/tree/lora Misc ==== :: workbench/testdrive/area-38/fipy-amo-02-mqtt-json/data.json {"temperature_0": 42.42, "temperature_1": -84.84} workbench/testdrive/area-38/fipy-amo-02-mqtt-json/data.lpp AGcBqAFn/LA= ************** User interface ************** - https://blog.koley.in/2019/339-bytes-of-responsive-css https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19622786 Firmware update output ====================== :: Erased 2 MiB in 15.28 seconds Erased 4MB device flash fs in 1.22 second Wrote 20.95 KiB from bootloader.bin in 1.11 second Wrote 3 KiB from partitions.bin in 0.08 seconds Wrote 1.66 MiB from fipy.bin in 54.4 seconds Wrote 4 KiB from config in 0.1 seconds Device ID: 807D3AC2DE44 LoRa MAC: 70B3D54992DBE31D Sigfox ID: 004D4881 Sigfox PAC: 211AC57838BF7C29