.. include:: ../../_resources.rst ############### Getting started ############### ******** Unboxing ******** Check that's everything with your kit that will be needed to assemble it successfully. You will make it. ************** Prepare device ************** Upgrade firmware ================ Before uploading the user-space MicroPython program, please install or upgrade the MicroPython firmware on your device. See :ref:`install-micropython-firmware` for further information. ************* Setup sandbox ************* - When you are running Linux, the documentation at :ref:`setup-micropython-sandbox` might be the right place to follow up for details. - If you are using Windows, the documentation about how to `Install and configure the Terkin Datalogger development sandbox on Windows`_ might be of interest. --- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: pycom sandbox-setup sandbox-operation sandbox-cheatsheet