.. include:: ../../_resources.rst .. _pycom-info: ############################### Information about Pycom devices ############################### As a general introduction, you might want to read the `Pycom Quickstart Guide`_. ****************** Upstream resources ****************** Documentation ============= - https://pycom.io/downloads/ - https://docs.pycom.io/gettingstarted/installation/firmwaretool.html - https://github.com/pycom/pycom-documentation/blob/master/advanced-topics/cli.md - https://docs.pycom.io/advance/downgrade.html Firmware downloads ================== - https://software.pycom.io/downloads/WiPy.html - https://software.pycom.io/downloads/LoPy.html - https://software.pycom.io/downloads/FiPy.html Development branches ==================== If you feel you want to follow Pycom's development more closely, you might find these pointers convenient. - 1.20.x: https://github.com/pycom/pycom-micropython-sigfox/commits/release-candidate - 1.19.x: https://github.com/pycom/pycom-micropython-sigfox/commits/development - 1.18.x: https://github.com/pycom/pycom-micropython-sigfox/commits/master More resources ============== We collected some resources which offer a good start to read more about MicroPython development in general as well as the specific details of the Pycom MicroPython implementation. - `MicroPython documentation`_ - `MicroPython libraries`_ - `Pycom MicroPython for ESP32`_ - `General information about the WiPy`_ on the MicroPython documentation pages - `Pycom documentation`_ - `Getting started with Pycom MicroPython`_ - `Pycom MicroPython Modules`_ - `Pycom Vendor Modules`_ - `Pycom Libraries and Examples`_ - `Quick reference for the ESP32`_ - `ESP32 Datasheet`_ ***************** Download firmware ***************** Acquire recent Pycom MicroPython firmware binaries:: # https://software.pycom.io/downloads/FiPy.html wget https://software.pycom.io/downloads/FiPy-1.20.0.rc11.tar.gz ******************* Prepare environment ******************* We will be using the CLI Updater Command Line Update Utility here. Conveniency:: alias pycom-fwtool-cli='/Applications/Pycom\ Firmware\ Update.app/Contents/Resources/pycom-fwtool-cli' Check board connectivity:: pycom-fwtool-cli list /dev/cu.usbmodemPye090a1 [Expansion3] [USB VID:PID=04D8:EF98 SER=Pye090a1 LOCATION=20-2] /dev/cu.usbmodemPydb06d1 [Expansion3] [USB VID:PID=04D8:EF98 SER=Pydb06db LOCATION=20-2] *************** Upload firmware *************** 1. Upload firmware:: # Define serial port. export MCU_PORT=/dev/cu.usbmodemPye090a1 # Define serial port for "pycom-fwtool-cli" export ESPPORT=$MCU_PORT # Upload Pycom firmware. pycom-fwtool-cli --verbose flash --tar FiPy-1.20.0.rc11.tar.gz 2. Reset device You can reset the device either by - running ``import machine; machine.reset()`` on the MicroPython REPL shell prompt - pressing the reset button once - power-cycling the device 3. Connect to REPL shell on device:: make repl Pycom MicroPython 1.20.0.rc11 [v1.9.4-0a38f88] on 2019-05-14; FiPy with ESP32 # General help >>> help() # List built-in modules >>> help('modules') ***************** Board information ***************** In order to get board information, you might want to check out some commands like:: # Read chip identifier pycom-fwtool-cli --verbose chip_id ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision (unknown 0xa)) # Read MAC address of WiFi NIC pycom-fwtool-cli --verbose wmac WMAC=807D3AC2DE44 # Read SMAC pycom-fwtool-cli --verbose smac SMAC=70B3D54992DBE31D By watching the preamble, you might be able to deduce the firmware version of the expansion board:: Running in PIC mode Product ID: 152 HW Version: 7 FW Version: 0.0.11 Connecting.... Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Changing baud rate to 921600 Changed.