Information about Pycom devices

As a general introduction, you might want to read the Pycom Quickstart Guide.

Upstream resources


Firmware downloads

Development branches

If you feel you want to follow Pycom’s development more closely, you might find these pointers convenient.

More resources

We collected some resources which offer a good start to read more about MicroPython development in general as well as the specific details of the Pycom MicroPython implementation.

Download firmware

Acquire recent Pycom MicroPython firmware binaries:


Prepare environment

We will be using the CLI Updater Command Line Update Utility here.


alias pycom-fwtool-cli='/Applications/Pycom\ Firmware\'

Check board connectivity:

pycom-fwtool-cli list
/dev/cu.usbmodemPye090a1  [Expansion3] [USB VID:PID=04D8:EF98 SER=Pye090a1 LOCATION=20-2]
/dev/cu.usbmodemPydb06d1  [Expansion3] [USB VID:PID=04D8:EF98 SER=Pydb06db LOCATION=20-2]

Upload firmware

  1. Upload firmware:

    # Define serial port.
    export MCU_PORT=/dev/cu.usbmodemPye090a1
    # Define serial port for "pycom-fwtool-cli"
    export ESPPORT=$MCU_PORT
    # Upload Pycom firmware.
    pycom-fwtool-cli --verbose flash --tar FiPy-1.20.0.rc11.tar.gz
  2. Reset device

You can reset the device either by

  • running import machine; machine.reset() on the MicroPython REPL shell prompt

  • pressing the reset button once

  • power-cycling the device

  1. Connect to REPL shell on device:

    make repl
    Pycom MicroPython 1.20.0.rc11 [v1.9.4-0a38f88] on 2019-05-14; FiPy with ESP32
    # General help
    >>> help()
    # List built-in modules
    >>> help('modules')

Board information

In order to get board information, you might want to check out some commands like:

# Read chip identifier
pycom-fwtool-cli --verbose chip_id
ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision (unknown 0xa))

# Read MAC address of WiFi NIC
pycom-fwtool-cli --verbose wmac

# Read SMAC
pycom-fwtool-cli --verbose smac

By watching the preamble, you might be able to deduce the firmware version of the expansion board:

Running in PIC mode
Product ID: 152 HW Version: 7 FW Version: 0.0.11
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 921600